The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space User Advisory Committee (UAC) will provide CASIS with user input and perspective about the management of ISS National Lab resources.* The UAC consists of individuals representing organizations that have formal agreements with either NASA or CASIS to utilize the U.S. segment of the ISS or provide commercial services to support in-orbit operations on the ISS, including allocations within partner elements or via ISS research sponsored by other governmental agencies.
NASA provides guidelines to CASIS for sub-allocations to:
- Commercialization projects focused on enabling sustainable, scalable commercial applications with the ability to generate non-NASA revenue;
- Commercially-sourced investigations using hardware owned and operated by commercial companies with facilities on the ISS;
- Fundamental research into the physical and life sciences as sponsored by NASA or other governmental agencies (OGA), and by non-governmental entities;
- Early technology readiness level (TRL) demonstrations not critical to the NASA exploration mission with sufficient spaceflight justification and regardless of sponsor; and
- Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and outreach projects.
The UAC has chartered subcommittees to support these areas, which will act somewhat independently to seek input from the respective user communities, advocate for the users, and formulate advice for the UAC. The UAC will deliberate inputs from each subcommittee to develop effective strategies for the utilization of the ISS National Lab as a platform for education, research, and technology development. The UAC will provide this advice to CASIS and NASA.
UAC Charter:
3-11-2024 UAC Annual Planning Meeting
Meeting Minutes
6-3-2024 UAC Core Committee Quarterly
Meeting Minutes
Science Subcommittee
Commercial Service Provider Subcommittee
Applied R&D Subcommittee
Educational Outreach Subcommittee
Technology Demonstration Subcommittee
Interested in learning more about the UAC?
Get in touch
*NASA Cooperative Agreement #80JSC018M005
Video: Dr. Douglas Matson, User Advisory Committee Chair, introduces the members of the ISS National Lab User Advisory Committee. Watch it here.