Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)
Exciting opportunities for students to communicate with astronauts on the International Space Station!
Do research in space, prepare for a STEM career, or just be part of super cool real-world science in space.
ExoLab - Experiment Kit
Experiment using an ExoLab kit in the classroom and monitor the same experiment on the ISS. AT HOME: Select the seed for next experiment. Price: $$ or FREE at-home activities
Genes in Space
Design an innovative experiments using DNA analysis to solve real-world problems in space exploration!
Go For Launch!
The Go For Launch! program uses the excitement of space exploration to engage students with STEM, STEAM and leadership.
ISS Above
ISS Above makes it easy to check in with the International Space Station every day from your home or classroom.
ISS GrowLab Kit
Students make a plant grow lab akin to ISS, then compare seed types for hardiness. Most robust seeds flown to ISS.
NASA STEM on Station
Links directly to NASA education programs and activities supporting ISS outreach, including learning guides, resources, and news.
Nickelodeon Slime in Space Virtual Field Trip
This free 15-minute virtual field trip will take kids 250 miles above earth to see how slime, and water, react in a microgravity environment. It's truly out of this world!
Orion's Quest
Team up with International Space Station scientists to make real contributions to world-class research.
Quest For Excellence
Partnering with NASA and Space Tango to give students the opportunity to conduct experiments aboard the ISS.
Sally Ride EarthKAM
Students from around the world can request images of Earth from space using a camera on the ISS!
Space Explorers: The ISS Experience
Get a once-in-a-lifetime perspective of our planet and the experience of astronauts as they perform important work during a spacewalk.
Space Station Ambassadors
Join our nationwide network of volunteers who share their excitement and love of space and STEM.
Space Station Explorers - Web
Space Station Explorers is the official web site for ISS National Lab education. Visit to explore ISS and all things education.
Story Time From Space
Astronauts read STEM books for kids from onboard the ISS. "Totalilty! An Eclipse Guide in Rhyme and Science" is just one example of more than 20 books, all available to watch online.
Student Spaceflight Experiments Program
Students in fifth grade through college can design a real experiment to send to the International Space Station.
Compare germination rates of two packets of seeds. One packet has flown on ISS, the other has not.
Windows on Earth
View unique and awe-inspiring images of Earth as the astronauts see it from the International Space Station.
Zero Robotics
Program a soccer-ball-sized robot and take part in a competition based on a real-life space exploration challenge.
ISS National Laboratory® is a registered trademark of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), used with permission. The ISS National Laboratory® is managed by the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, Inc. under Cooperative Agreement with NASA. NASA Partner logo is used with permission. © 2011-2024 The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, Inc. (CASIS), a 501 (c)(3) Corporation.