CASIS has compiled a series of dashboard metrics that encompasses all of the major functions for the organization. The charts on this page are dedicated to showcasing all progress that has been made within these core functions, from the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory utilization to grant value and outreach.

Projects Awarded to Customers

YTD FY2018



ISS National Lab Return Customers


ISS National Lab New Customers

Total Value of CASIS Grants Awarded

YTD FY2018


Cumulative from Year to Year

Solicitations / Competitions

YTD FY2018


Project Proposals Generated

YTD FY2018


Total Peer Reviewed Results Published in Scientific Journals

Total 2005-2018


*Some citations included in this metric were published prior to the designation in 2005 by the US Congress creating the ISS National Lab, but were included because the publications describe ISS flight hardware and/or flight data for investigations sponsored by the ISS National Lab and flown to the ISS.

Grants Funding and Mission Based Costs Paid

Q3 FY2018

$261,128 Academic
$1,115,761 Commercial
$50,000 Other Govt Agency
$142,160 Mission Based Costs
$1,569,049 Total

TOTALS FY2012 $2,120,000

TOTALS FY2013 $6,146,511

TOTALS FY2014 $6,028,157

TOTALS FY2015 $5,648,088

TOTALS FY2016$6,818,907

TOTALS FY2017$7,243,341

Q1 FY2018$1,177,849

Q2 FY2018$1,189,445

Allocation of Expenses

Q3 FY2018

53.8% Direct
12.8% Indirect
33.6% Grants







Q1 FY2018

Q2 FY2018

Sponsored Program/External Funding for Grants

YTD FY2018


STEM Programs (active)

YTD FY2018


Number of Participants Engaged in STEM Activities*

YTD FY2018


*students, educators and other participants

Outreach Events

Conferences and Industry Sponsored Events

YTD FY2018


Speaking Opportunities

YTD FY2018


Total Media Impact

Website Visitors

YTD FY2018


Twitter Followers

YTD FY2018



News Mentions

YTD FY2018


Social Media Engagement

YTD FY2018


Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

ISS National Lab Payloads Manifested

YTD FY2018


ISS National Lab Payloads Delivered

YTD FY2018


In-orbit commercial facilities

YTD FY2018


In-orbit commercial facility managers

YTD FY2018


Maximize Utilization: CASIS to use 50% of U.S. allocation onboard the ISS.

Increment Upmass (kg) Downmass (kg) Crewtime (hrs)
Actuals Actuals Allocation* Actuals^ Reserve Usage**
Inc 37/38 (Sep 2013-Mar 2014) 334.7 7.9 427 78.42 - 18%
Inc 39/40 (Mar 2014-Sep 2014) 389.1 197.8 386 70.75 - 18%
Inc 41/42 (Sep 2014-Mar 2015) 716 705.5 346 130.29 - 38%
Inc 43/44 (Mar 2015-Sep 2015)* 538.3 165.93 229 223.33 - 98%
Inc 45/46 (Sept 2015-Mar 2016) 384.6 0 293 125.75 - 43%
Inc 47/48 (Mar 2016-Sept 2016) 760.9 313.54 356 314.25 - 88%
Inc 49/50 (Sept 2016-Mar 2017) 392 83 4032 311.58 - 77%
Inc 51/52 (Mar 2017-Sept 2017) 931 300 328 446.58 - 136%
Inc 53/54 (Sept 2017-Mar 2018) 1580 358 503 349 165 54%

Data through 4/13/2017

* “Allocation” is defined as the baselined number of crew time hours allocated by NASA at increment minus 3 months to the ISS National Lab for prioritized utilization to directly support in-orbit ISS NL payload utilization operations.
^ “Actuals” are defined as the definite and verified number of crew time hours that were utilized to support in-orbit ISS NL payload utilization operations. This data is collected reported and verified by NASA after the actual in-orbit operations have been completed.
** ”Usage” is defined as the percentage of ISS National Lab allocated crew time hours that were actually utilized during a given increment pair.

1. Incudes SpaceX CRS-7 upmass/downmass
2. Inc 49/50 I-3 crew time allocation was 312 hours. Additional crew time allocation was added over the course of the increment pair.