Welcome to the networking page of the International Space Station (ISS) National Laboratory’s September 22, 2022, investor event. Below, please find the contact information and Calendly meeting schedule links for all the presenting companies. We hope you have an opportunity to connect with the startup executives listed below. If you need any assistance with scheduling the meetings or inquiries, please email us at [email protected].
Startup Innovation at the ISS National Lab
Presenting Company Contact Information
CisLunar Industries
Creating the critical metal processing capabilities required to support the in-space industrial value chain
Contact: Gary Calnan, CEO & Co-Founder
Email: [email protected]
Calendly: https://calendly.com/garycalnanExo-Space Inc.
Leveraging expertise in AI, machine vision, and satellite design, Exo-Space's mission is to offer high-performance computing in orbit for near real-time decision-making from space
Contact: Jeremy Allam, CEO & Co-Founder
Email: [email protected]
Calendly: https://calendly.com/jeremy-allamExum Instruments
Simplifying solid material characterization
Contact: Jeff Williams, CEO/CTO/Co-Founder
Email: [email protected]
Calendly: calendly.com/josh-exumFlawless Photonics, Inc.
Manufactures revolutionary photonics products such as optical fiber, sensors, and lasers by using novel, proprietary techniques in microgravity processing, AI, and Manufacturing 4.0
Contact: CK Singla, CEO & Founder
Email: [email protected]
Calendly: https://calendly.com/ck-flawlessInfinite Composites
Designs develops and manufactures the most efficient gas storage systems available for critical systems and infrastructure on earth, in space, and beyond
Contact: Matt Villareal, CEO & Founder
Email: [email protected]
Calendly: https://calendly.com/mvillarreal88Kall Morris Inc.
Developing orbital debris and research solutions to rendezvous, retrieve, and relocate uncooperative objects in orbit
Contact: Troy Morris, Director of Operations & Co-Founder
Email: [email protected]
Calendly: https://calendly.com/troymorrisLunasonde
Pioneering subsurface imaging from space while providing a sustainable approach to resource exploration
Contact: Jeremiah Pate, CEO & Founder
Email: [email protected]
Calendly: https://calendly.com/lunasondeNebula Compute, Inc.
Bringing terrestrial technology to space, operating commercial servers outside of the International Space Station in 2023
Contact: Peter Stridh, Chief Strategy Officer & Co-Founder
Email: [email protected]
Calendly: https://calendly.com/stridh/30minObruta Space Solutions Corp.
Building safe, reliable, and autonomous spacecraft docking for in-orbit servicing and logistics
Contact: Kevin Stadnyk, CEO & Co-Founder
Email: [email protected]
Calendly: https://calendly.com/kevinstadnyk