The International Space Station (ISS) National Lab User Advisory Committee (UAC) will provide CASIS with user input and perspective about the management of ISS National Lab resources.
Comprised of members with scientific expertise relevant to inform the utilization of the ISS National Lab for the purpose of accessing the unique operating environment of the ISS National Lab.
Comprised of Commercial Services Providers that have facilities on the ISS and formal agreement to provide either material support or services to either NASA or CASIS in the operations on the ISS National Lab.
Comprised of members with technical expertise relevant to inform the utilization of the ISS National Lab for the purpose of conducting applied R&D.
Comprised of members with relevant education and outreach expertise relevant to inform the utilization of the ISS National Lab for the purpose of advancing educational outreach activities.
Comprised of members with technical expertise relevant to inform the utilization of the ISS National Lab for the purpose of demonstrating, developing, or testing new space technologies.
ISS National Laboratory® is a registered trademark of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), used with permission. The ISS National Laboratory® is managed by the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, Inc. under Cooperative Agreement with NASA. NASA Partner logo is used with permission. © 2011-2024 The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, Inc. (CASIS), a 501 (c)(3) Corporation.